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Format: @getcitiesfromphp _puppetname

Unfortunately the puppet only can get information about the city of nick, if the nick in question is currently online.
To be able to announde the cities of the winners as well, the puppet can use its php-Script to get to information. After entering this command and (re)loading the according script each single line of the content of the file restore.def in the script's directory has to be copied to the puppet's tellwindow.

Please note:The city information will be reloaded once evenly distributed during a day, so short-term changes may not be taken into account.


Please note that expressions with a leading underscore have to be substituted by the desired value (underscore included).


This command is only available in a private chat channel with the puppet established by the command
/tell _puppetname @getcitiesfromphp _puppetname

To make sure that no important data is lost by mistake, the first parameter of any command for an admin has to be the name of the puppet.



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