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Format: @refuse _opponent

Format: @refuse _opponent _comment

If option _gamebylot is set, this command will refuse an alloted game. The puppet will draw a new game.
This command does not need to be confirmed by the opponent (see @skip).
The number of games, a single player is allowed to refuse at a match, is set for each group (if the tournament's mode is group) or for each round (if the tournament's mode is KO) using the admin's command @groupvetorefuseskip.

Example: @refuse Amon I never learned to play this game

This command will refuse the currently alloted game at the match with Amon. The puppet will draw another game. The comment I never learned to play this game will appear at the result table on mouseover.


Please note that expressions with a leading underscore have to be substituted by the desired value (underscore included).


This command is only available in a private chat channel with the puppet established by the command
/tell _puppetname @refuse ...



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