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This setting determines the mode for a single match. Available right now are bo (best-of), fixed (fixed number of games), sum (until a fixed sum of points), sog (fixed number of games, but scoring the points) and fixedsog (fixed number of games with points for the winner of the games and additional points for the one with the higher sum of points).
If you enter a list here, the first value of this list will hold for group/round 1, the second for group/round 2 and so on. If there are less values than groups/rounds, the last mentioned value will hold for the rest of the groups/rounds.

Valid values:

bo, fixed, sum, sog, fixedsog
list supported



Example: @setconfigitem _puppetname _mode sum bo

Mode group: The 1st group will play games until one of the players reach the required sum, the 2nd and all other groups will play best-of.
Mode KO: The 1st round will be played until one of the players reach the required sum of points, the 2nd round and all subsequent rounds will be played as best-of.



To see the actual setting of a configuration item, please use @showconfigitem.
To change the value of a configuration item, please use @setconfigitem.
To get an overview of all settings, please use @showconfig.



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