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This configuration item determines the setting for the ticker texts (see also @setticker).
Color and background-color has to be given in hexadecimal format and set in parenthesis (please note the example, help for getting hexcodes for colors). The values for width, height and speed has to be natural numbers.

Valid values:

color background-color width height speed



Example: @setconfigitem _puppetname _tickersettings (255,255,128) (128,128,128) 500 30 5

The ticker text will be light yellow on dark grey background in a rectangle of 500x30 pixel and is running with a speed of 5.



To see the actual setting of a configuration item, please use @showconfigitem.
To change the value of a configuration item, please use @setconfigitem.
To get an overview of all settings, please use @showconfig.



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